洗浴及美容沐浴泡泡浴-Smith & Vandiver, 迪諾泡泡,叢林葡萄,12.5液體盎司(370毫升)床的世界
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如果你還在考慮Smith & Vandiver, 迪諾泡泡,叢林葡萄,12.5液體盎司(370毫升)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Certified -Natural Products Association 髮旺旺
- Natural, Safe, Bath Time Suds 髮旺旺
- Sulfate, Paraben and Color Free
- Good Clean Fun
- Hey, Mom! It's Safe for Me! 床的世界
- Wow! 99% Natural!
- Skin Healthy pH 5.5
Natural, Safe, Bath Time Suds
Our irritation-free, fresh and fruity bubble bath is perfect for young delicate and sensitive skin. We've taken away all the harmful chemicals and only use the safest natural ingredients for some Good Clean Fun.
Message to Mom床的世界
With our certified natural formula you can provide a good clean fun bath experience knowing you are not exposing your little one to toxic sulfates or dioxanes that could impact their髮旺旺 future health. NPA certification gives you safety assurance knowing an expert has reviewed every ingredient and the final product to guarantee it's natural and non-toxic. Without worry, your child can enjoy a bubbling bath time ritual.
Smith & Vandiver, 迪諾泡泡,叢林葡萄,12.5液體盎司(370毫升)

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